Deutsche Gewehrgranaten und Gewehrgranatgeräte
German rifle grenades and rifle grenade launchers


Second expanded edition !! 


The book shows the German developments and their use in both World Wars and the early post-war time. Described are the different rifle grenades (incl. experimental grenades), the launchers and special weapons for launching grenades (Mauser grenade rifle, MG 151, 2-cm-Flak, etc.), the use in foreign countries and copies made by other nations (Great Britain, Japan, Finland, Italy, USA, etc.).


A lot of interesting colour pictures show the details of original grenades, weapons and accessories. Included are also lists of manufacturers and drawings from patents.


* 432 pages (handcover, casebound)
* 764 illustrations

* Weight 2.65 lb (1,2 kg)


Price inclusive shipping :

* Germany            39,95 €
* Europe               49,95 €
* Rest of World     $US  65.00






Hot off the press !!